under construction

I miss the early internet so bad you guys I'm making all my friends put together silly little neocities pages because I'm sick to death of the current internet & its push towards innovation for nothing but innovations sake.

burn facebook to the ground, put a shot through the back of instagrams head- make little blogs with your friends instead. Reject the corporatist herd telling you 2 plug ur brain into a computer and sell every independent thought youve ever had 2 our tech overlords so they can target ur advertisements with the precision of a raytheon maverick. Craft ur digital footprint into something entirely unmarketable and bite any hand that would try 2 guide u till u break skin.

Anyways, this is mostly just gonna be a place for me to shout into the ether but in a cool way I promise (also an excuse for me to finally teach myself some html). lots of these links go nowhere because they are randome test pages i publish and unpublish at will